NexSens UW 2-Way Sensor Splitter

The 2-way sensorBUS signal splitter connects SDI-12 or RS-485 sensors in-line along T-Node FR temperature strings or expands the number of sensor ports on an X2 data logger.


  • SDI-12 and RS-485 interfaces allow for versatile measurement capabilities in a single string
  • Includes sensorBUS for connection to many industry-standard smart sensors
  • Custom connectorizations are available for any sensor, providing plug-and-play convenience


The 2-way sensorBUS signal splitter is used to connect SDI-12 or RS-485 sensors to any point along T-Node temperature strings. The splitter accompanies any SDI-12 or RS-485 Modbus sensor, providing an available in-line sensor connection which can be used to string multiple water quality sensors along the same line. The splitter features a durable waterproof connection with double o-ring seal on each connector.


ImagePart#Product DescriptionQuote
UW-2WUW-2WUW plug 2-way sensor splitter, 1m